Convert a Multifocal Rx to Single Vision

Use this calculator to convert a multifocal Rx to a single vision reading or intermediate Rx.

Converting a multifocal perscription to single vision is done by combining some or all of the reading add power with the distance power.

  • To convert to a single vision reading Rx you simply increase the sphere power of the distance Rx by the full amount of the 'add' power.
  • To convert to a single vision intermediate Rx you increase the sphere power of the distance Rx by a percentage of the 'add' power. This percentage is typically around 50%, but other percentages are possible depending on needs of the wearer.

Enter the multifocal Rx*

  Sphere Cylinder Axis Add

Percent of add power

Converted Single Vision Rx*

  Sphere Cylinder Axis

* This calculation only changes the spherical component of the Rx. It does not affect the cylinder, axis or prism components of the Rx, these components from the original Rx would be included along with the new sphere value above.