Powerful Optical Lens Software Tools for the Eyewear Professional
VirtualLens 3D is a collection of essential optical lens calculators and utilities.
Transpose Rx
Check out this free and easy to use calculator for transposing a vision prescription Rx to plus or minus cylinder form.
Multifocal to Single-Vision Conversion
Convert a multifocal Rx to single-vision for reading, intermediate, or distance.
Compensated Power
Compute the compensated power for a vertex distance that is different from what was prescribed.
Spectacle Magnification (SM)
Use the Spectacle Magnification calculator to correct for Aniseikonia, a condition where a difference in image size between the right and left eyes caused by a large variance in the Rx can result in fusion failure.
The following utilities and calculators are coming soon!
3D Lens Simulation for Demonstrating Lens Thickness
Practically every component of the lens blank or Rx can be modified providing a powerful workspace to try complex 'what if?' scenarios before ordering or fabricating an actual lens. Side-by-side lens thickness comparison of any Rx. Measure lens thickness at any point on the lens. Includes a versatile Rx Prism converter.
Shapes Inventory
Upload and store your frame trace files. This inventory is used by the 3D Lens Simulator for setting default lens values.
Lens Blanks Inventory
Keep track of your finished and semi-finished lenses. This inventory is used by the 3D Lens Simulator for setting default lens values.
Base Curve Selection
Maintain your customizable base curve selection charts for unlimited lens styles. This is also used by the 3D Lens Simulator .
Semi-Finished Blank Selection
Select the optimal lens blanks using custom lens selection rules. This is also used by the 3D Lens Simulator .
Finished Lens Selection
Determine the minimum finish lens size needed. Edge thickness calculator for plus lenses in various size blanks.